Riverbend CGA Results

Hi all on this Sunday evening. Today at Riverbend we had 13
participants in our outing. Here are the scores:

Darrell Linger/Michelle Linger-36
Ken Riffle/Beryl McKisic-37
Ron Lamb/Phil Austin-38
Neale Hinkle/Mike Hinkle-38
Larry Wamsley/Clay Persinger/Lynn Rexroad-41
Bob Withers/Ellnora Withers-42

Closest to the Pin on the second shot #4-Ellnora Withers ($20 gift
card to pizza hut)

We have 2 outings left this season. Next Saturday at Stonewall. We
have 17 currently entered with 3 spots open for anyone still
interested. Here is the list of players signed up:

Mike Hinkle
Derek Lamb
Ron Lamb
Jeff and Lynelle Zickefoose
Beryl McKisic
Phil Austin
Bill Roff
Roger Helmick
Ken Riffle
Ken Ellis
Kevin Linger
Larry Wamsley
Ron Shingleton
Clay Persinger
Owen Bragg
Clyde Lantz

Please be at course around noon. We will begin devotions at 12:30pm.
Our tee time is 1pm. The cost is $43 per person payable by check or
cash to the CGA. No credit or debit cards.
Please remember the dress code at Stonewall.

Our last outing is Sunday October 28 at Riverbend. It will be a 9 hole
par 3 outing. We will give away 9 $25 gift cards for the closest to
the pin on each hole. If anyone gets a hole in one will win all 9 gift
cards. We plan to eat following the golf. We will waive the $5 CGA fee
for this outing so everyone can put that $5 towards the after golf
meal. Please plan to join us even if you have never played at
Riverbend this year. Let’s get at least 36 golfers for this final
outing of 2012. Also, invite your spouses to join us for dinner that
evening ($5 per person).

Our annual Christmas dinner is Friday December 7 at the Steer
Steakhouse in Weston. We will meet at 6pm for dinner and have
devotions, a Christmas message, awards and door prizes following
dinner. Please mark your calendars.

Have a great week. May God be with you all. Thanks for being a part of the CGA.

MIke Hinkle

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Verse of the Day
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. — Romans 12:12 (NIV)
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