Fwd: CGA News and Notes-Thursday April 13, 2017

Good morning CGA friends. We are now 10 days away from the opening of the 2017 CGA golf season on Sunday April 23rd at Deerfield CC near Weston. Here is the plan for the day:

Meeting will open with prayer at 2pm
CGA Policy Review
CGA Schedule
We will collect membership dues:
$15 for single renew
$25 for couple renew
$25 for new single
$40 for new couple
We will give away a $100 gift card at the conclusion of the meeting. You must join the CGA and be present to win. 
This year we will no longer collect course fee's ourself. You will pay the course directly. This will allow those who prefer to pay by credit/debit card to do so. 
Weather permitting we will play a 9 hole tipoff outing following the meeting. The cost is $18 per person.
Have a wonderful day. I hope you have a blessed Easter and I will talk with you next week before we get started.

Mike Hinkle

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Verse of the Day
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. — Romans 12:12 (NIV)
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