CGA News and Notes-Tuesday April 21, 2015

Hi all on this Tuesday evening. Our next outing is this Thursday the 23rd at Riverbend. We will begin registration at 5pm, hold devotions around 5:25 and draw for teams around 5:40. Hope you can make it. 

This Saturday we play at Glenville with registration at 10am. We will hold devotions around 10:25 or so and plan to tee around 11am. We have 20 scheduled to play and they are:
Bob Mills
Mike Hinkle
Beryl McKisic +3
Ron/Melissia Lamb
Harry Grose
Darrell/Michelle Linger
Ezra Richards
Bob/Ellnora Withers
Charlie Straley
Dennis Bailey
Ron/Sandy Shingleton
Bill Roff
Larry Ransinger
The cost is $25 per player. 
The weather is going to be cool this week for our outings. Please dress accordingly. Also, please plan to pay by cash or check to the CGA for each outing you play in again this year. 
We have 2 outings in May now open for signups. They are:
Monday May 11th at Buckhannon CC 5pm (Deadline is May 7) $20 per player
Sunday May 24th at Stonewall Resort  2pm (Deadline is May 16)
Hope to see you Thursday at Riverbend or at Glenville Saturday.
God Bless you all.


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Verse of the Day
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. — James 3:17-18 (NIV)
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